Lets learn English

Don’t waste these three: Time, Money and Energy

Lets learn English

Don’t waste these three: Time, Money and Energy


Come unstuck==fail 


Drive the point home ==emphasize 


Pick holes in == criticize 


Pull a fast one==cheat 


Put your heads together == discuss 


Rant and rave==shout  


Shot in the dark==guess 


Stretch the truth==exaggerate 


Tag along== follow 


Take a dim view of == disapprove

knives are out


the knives are out for somebody 


used to say that people are being extremely unfriendly in criticizing someone 


The knives are out for the vice president 



go over someone's head 



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I hope my lecture didn't go over the students' heads


it is the custom (for somebody) to do something==the custom of doing something  




something that you usually do every day, or in a particular situation  


It's the custom for the bride's father to pay for the wedding


He awoke early, as was his custom

leave it out

leave it out 


used to tell someone to stop lying, pretending, or being annoying

cut it/that out

cut it/that out 


 used to tell someone to stop doing something because it is annoying you 


Hey, you guys, cut it out - Mom's trying to get some sleep

cut it/that out 

used to tell someone to stop doing something because it is annoying you 


Hey, you guys, cut it out - Mom's  trying to get some sleep

expression__ age


 !!!!act your age


used to tell someone to behave in a more adult way, suitable for someone of their age  















They need to be hemmed   




Hem - An edge or border on a piece of cloth, especially a finished edge, as for a garment or curtain, made by folding an edge under and stitching it down


Example :  I need to hem those curtains

different expressions

Snob - One who looks down on others considered to be less important


Example :  It is difficult to like and trust a snob because you never know why a snob wants to be your friend


Goosebumps - small, raised lumps that appear on the skin because of cold, fear or excitement


Example :  You're cold - look, you've got goosebumps


Come to one's sense - Return to thinking or behaving sensibly and reasonably; recover consciousness


Example :  I wish he'd come to his senses and stop playing around 


By nature - Someone's nature in their character


Example :  He is by nature inclined to be rather lazy 


Pay up front   

Example: You only have to pay a half year's rent up front



Up front - Paid in advance 


Example :  We need at least half of the money for the production up front


Got ripped off  

Rip sb off - to cheat someone by making them pay too much money for something


Example :  Bob's tickets cost much less than ours - I think we've been ripped off

The world is your oyster

The world is your oyster  




The world is your oyster - Everything is going well


Example :  I was younger then, and the world was my oyster

Top dog

Top dog - a person who is in charge 


Pig out


Pig out - to eat a lot or too much 


Example :  We pigged out on all the lovely cakes and pastries 


cloth ears

:cloth ears  

- British, old-fashioned, humorous

something you call someone who has not heard something you said  
 Hey, cloth ears, I asked if you wanted a drink 

The rat race

The rat race - a way of life in modern society, characterized by people competing with each other for power and money


Example :  He decided to get out of the rat race, and went to work on a farm


See full size image




In the doghouse

In the doghouse - someone is annoyed with you and shows their disapproval


Example :  I'm in the doghouse - I broke Sara's favorite vase this morning 



See full size image




Straight from the horse's mouth

Straight from the horse's mouth - from a reliable source


Example :  I have it  straight from the horse's mouth that he plans to retire next month



Lone wolf

A Lone wolf - A person who prefers to do without the company or assistance of others


Example :  Her nursery school teacher described Beth as a lone wolf, an assessment her parents found astonishing  




When pigs fly = never 




Example : Sure he'll pay for the drinks -- when pigs fly



A can of worms  


a very complicated situation that causes a lot of problems when you start to deal with it 




I just don't know what to do - every solution I can think  

 of would just open up a whole new can of worms