Borrow - lend -rent-hire- lease-let
چهارشنبه 15 آبانماه سال 1387 22:32
borrow If you borrow something (from somebody), you take it for a period of time, then you give it back. He borrowed £50 from me last year, and still hasn't paid a penny of it back. Can I borrow your bike lend If you lend /(US also) loan something to somebody, or lend/loan somebody something, you give them something...
سهشنبه 14 آبانماه سال 1387 23:22
I've been trying to get Sonia all morning but her line/she is always engaged/busy (US usually) "Is that Mike Fraser?" "No, I think you've got a wrong number - this is 654731 "Customer Accounts, please." "The line's busy - do you want to hold the line/hold (on) It's a bad/terrible line , I...
Making a telephone call
سهشنبه 14 آبانماه سال 1387 23:20
Making a telephone call Common phrases meaning to telephone She said she'd phone/telephone/call/ring (you) tomorrow I'll give you a ring/call/phone call I need to make a call/phone call (to Brazil) Common phrases used when telephoning somebody Could/Can I speak to Mr Carter, please Is that Karen? Hi, this is...
Telephone numbers
سهشنبه 14 آبانماه سال 1387 23:17
dialling codes/ (US and Aus) area codes 00 international code 44 country code 181 area code 837 9292 number Ext.345 extension (number ) The numbers are usually pronounced separately 90233 is said "nine o two double three" Someone in an office has an extension number which is used by people within the office....
A public/pay telephone
سهشنبه 14 آبانماه سال 1387 23:12
A public telephone/payphone can be coin operated or a card phone . To make a call lift the receiver insert coins or a card into the slot dial the number by pressing the buttons
a new child in the family
سهشنبه 14 آبانماه سال 1387 23:10
When a person or couple adopts a child, they legally raise the child as their own. They are adoptive parents and their child is adopted When a person or couple fosters a child, they take care of the child, usually for a limited period of time. They are foster parents and the child is a foster child She spent her teens...
a new marriage
سهشنبه 14 آبانماه سال 1387 23:08
If one of your parents marries again, you have a stepmother or stepfather , and you are a stepson or stepdaughter He has never been close to his stepmother If your stepmother/father already has children, these are your stepbrothers or stepsisters If your parent has another child with their new husband or wife, this is...
if a marriage ends
سهشنبه 14 آبانماه سال 1387 23:06
If someone's husband or wife has died, they are a widow (female)/ widower (male), and the dead person is called their late husband/wife . A child whose parents are both dead is an orphan . They might be adopted or fostered by someone. If a couple separate , they stop living together, sometimes as part of a legal...
people who are married
سهشنبه 14 آبانماه سال 1387 23:02
Married people are also referred to as a couple or a married couple . The formal or legal word for a husband or wife is spouse . This travel insurance covers both spouse and dependent children. Informal words for husband or wife are hubby and missus . What did your hubby buy you for Christmas
people who are not married
سهشنبه 14 آبانماه سال 1387 23:01
Your boyfriend or girlfriend is someone with whom you are having a romantic or sexual relationship. Two people in a serious relationship are often referred to as a couple . Why don't we invite the couple next door round for a drink? Many couples are not married, but live together in the same home like married couples....
سهشنبه 14 آبانماه سال 1387 22:57
pleasant neutral bad aroma fragrance smell scent smell odour smell stink stench reek There was a wonderful aroma of fresh coffee/ freshly baking bread coming from the kitchen. (noun) The little shop was full of aromatic herbs and spices. (adjective) The roses filled the air with their sweet fragrance . (noun) The room...
family and close friends
سهشنبه 14 آبانماه سال 1387 22:45
family and close friends mother father Mother UK formal US informal Father formal Mama UK dated formal Papa UK formal dated Mama US informal Papa US informal Momma US informal Poppa US informal Mom US informal Pop US informal Ma US informal Pa US informal Mum UK informal Dad informal Mam UK regional informal Mummy...
phrasal verbs
سهشنبه 14 آبانماه سال 1387 18:52
wait on (1. inseparable): serve (usually customers in a restaurant, shop, etc "I want to make a complaint. The person who just waited on me was very impolite" wait for (inseparable): wait until someone / something arrives or is finished with something else "When will Kenny be finished with work? I've...
سهشنبه 14 آبانماه سال 1387 17:39
The year is usually read two numbers at a time 1950 "nineteen fifty" 1983 "nineteen eighty-three" But 1809 "eighteen oh nine" 1900 "nineteen hundred" 2001 "two thousand and one" The first two numbers of the year are sometimes omitted: Where were you in '92 BC =...
سهشنبه 14 آبانماه سال 1387 17:35
written form spoken form July 18 1999 UK July the eighteenth, nineteen ninety-nine US July eighteenth, nineteen ninety-nine 18 July 1999 the eighteenth of July, nineteen ninety-nine 18/07/99 or 18/7/99 or 18.7.99 (UK) the eighteenth of the seventh, ninety-nine or eighteen, seven, ninety-nine 07/18/99 or 7/18/99 (US)...
Eye, eyesight and seeing
سهشنبه 14 آبانماه سال 1387 17:25
Your ability to see is called your eyesight, sight or vision Airline pilots need to have good eyesight After his car crashed, Sam lost the sight of his left eye Sarah's over 70 and she's still got perfect vision Some common problems with eyesight I'm getting long sighted (UK)/ far-sighted (US) - I can't read a...
دوشنبه 13 آبانماه سال 1387 23:13
In British English, a student usually means someone who has finished school and is studying at university • We met when we were students. • student accommodation Children who go to school can be called schoolchildren, schoolboys or schoolgirls • A group of schoolchildren got on the bus. The children at a particular...
informal to formal
شنبه 11 آبانماه سال 1387 19:43
Open the door Please open the door Could you please open the door Could you possibly open the door please Would you mind opening the door please Would you mind terribly opening the door please If you wouldn’t mind, please could you open the door If it’s not too much trouble, please could you open the door
شنبه 11 آبانماه سال 1387 19:37
Dreaded: (adj) used before something that makes you feel anxious or afraid – something you are not looking forward to Residential: describing an area where people live, as opposed to ‘commercial’ which refers to an area where business takes place Shady: how it is usually underneath trees, where the sun is partially...
پنجشنبه 9 آبانماه سال 1387 16:14
well-travelled this is an adjective which we use to describe someone who has travelled to many different places if money were no object if you could easily afford even the most expensive things incoming the opposite of outgoing short and sweet we use this expression to describe something that is brief but enjoyable A...
چهارشنبه 8 آبانماه سال 1387 21:07
COMMON JOURNALISM LANGUAGE to cover a story to report on an event or development in-depth coverage of a thorough analysis of to verify to check that something is correct eyewitness reports descriptions of what happened by people who actually saw an event take place breaking news news which is just coming in MEDIA...
سهشنبه 7 آبانماه سال 1387 23:33
broadcast journalism news on television or radio print journalism written news in newspapers, magazines, etc. online journalism news on the internet citizen journalism a new expression describing the kind of journalism based on images, audio and reports sent in to news groups by ordinary members of the public who...
سهشنبه 7 آبانماه سال 1387 22:02
to breathe in: inhale formal to breathe out: exhale formal to breathe noisily: sniff, snore when sleepingsnort, sigh to breathe with difficulty: gasp, pant, wheeze, be short of breath, be out of breath to be unable to breathe: choke, suffocatebreathe
سهشنبه 7 آبانماه سال 1387 21:44
You can say that something smells good , bad, strange etc. Use an adjective, never an adverb • You smell wonderful (NOT wonderfully) - what perfume is that? In British English, you can use smell with of to say what something smells like • Her jacket smelled of smoke NOT smelled smoke. If you say that something or...
دوشنبه 6 آبانماه سال 1387 23:23
interjection meaning example ah expressing pleasure "Ah, that feels good." expressing realization "Ah, now I understand" expressing resignation "Ah well, it can't be heped." expressing surprise "Ah! I've won alas expressing grief or pity "Alas, she's dead now" dear...
Car Accident
دوشنبه 6 آبانماه سال 1387 22:43
blab (verb) : talk too much about unimportant things, some of which might be private matters - She blabbed to her friends all about the accident and how it was all my fault. How embarrassing. jump to conclusions (idiom) : form an opinion without all the facts and evidence - Hey, don't jump to conclusions . The...
دوشنبه 6 آبانماه سال 1387 22:39
" crash course " = a course in which you learn the material in a very short time period " She took a driving crash course before she went on vacation ." " black ice " = a coating of ice on the road that is nearly invisible to drivers " Be careful as you drive home tonight because...
phrasal verbs
یکشنبه 5 آبانماه سال 1387 23:43
Computers Back up - to make a copy of computer information so you do not lose it. Log off - to finish using a computer system Boot up - to start a computer so it is ready to use. Hack into - to get into someone else’s computer system without permission Crime Beat up - to hurt someone badly by hitting or kicking them...
A True Friend
شنبه 4 آبانماه سال 1387 23:23
No man or woman is worth your tears The only one who is, will never make you cry If you love someone, put their name in a circle, instead of a heart Hearts can break, but circles go on forever Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say Best friends listen to what you don't If all my friends were to...
شنبه 4 آبانماه سال 1387 22:46
he person who serves you in a restaurant: waiter, waitress, server American English , waitperson American English the person who cooks your food: chef the person who welcomes the guests maitre d', host/hostess American English a list of the food: menu also bill of fare formal a list of wines and alcoholic drinks: wine...