Mr. Hopkins was walking down the street one day when he noticed a small boy. The boy was standing outside a house. He was trying to ring the doorbell but the problem was that he was too short to reach up to the bell. As Mr. Hopkins watched, he tried to jump up to press the bell, but he just wasn't tall enough. Then the boy got a book out of his school bag and stood on it, but the book wasn't thick enough and the bell was still too high up for him to reach
The man felt sorry for the boy and decided to go and help him. He walked over to the door, smiled at the little boy and rang the door bell three times
Then he turned to the boy and said kindly, 'So now what, little man'
'Now,' the boy replied, 'we run away as fast as possible'
(Morning, campers! (informal greeting to more than one person
Good morning
My head's killing me __idiom
I've got a very bad headache
(a hangover (n
a headache from drinking a lot of alcohol
_a fry-up , informal _n
a meal made of fried foods fried egg, mushrooms, bacon etc
to burn the midnight oil __idiom
to study or work until late at night
Who's for...? offer, informal
Who wants
You're a pain in the neck __idiom
You're very annoying
You can say that something smells good, bad, strange etc.
Use an adjective, never an adverb • You smell wonderful (NOT wonderfully) - what perfume is that? In British English, you can use smell with of to say what something smells like • Her jacket smelled of smoke NOT smelled smoke. If you say that something or someone smells, you mean they have a bad smell • Your socks smell. If you can smell something or you smell something, you notice its smell • I can smell coffee. • We smelled smoke.!! You do not say 'feel a smell'.
If the base form ends in a single consonant and the preceding vowel is stressed and spelled with only one letter, double the consonant before adding -ing and -ed
occur/occurring, swim/swimming, ship/shipping
If the preceding vowel is unstressed or spelled with two vowels, do not double the consonant
enter/entering, visit/visiting, develop/developing, dread/dreading,
appeal/appealing, shout/shouting
If the base form ends in -c, change the -c to -ck
panic/panicking, picnic/picnicking
There are exceptions with some verbs ending in -l, -m, and -p
travel--traveling or travelling
program--programing or programming
worship--worshiping or worshipping
If the base form ends in an unpronounced -e, drop the -e before adding -ing and -ed inflections
create/creating, type/typing, bake/baking
For monosyllabic verbs ending in -ye, -oe, or -nge, keep the final -e before -ing, but drop it before -ed
If the base form ends in -ie or -ee, drop the final -e before -ed
die/died, agree/agreed, tie/tied
If the verb ends in -s, -z, -x, -sh, and -ch, add -e before the -s ending
pass/passes, buzz/buzzes, coax/coaxes, wash/washes, watch/watches
If the base form ends in -y, change the -y to -ie
carry/carries, try/tries
If the base form ends in -ed, change the -y to -i
carry/carried, try/tried
Following a vowel or preceding -ing, the -y remains
stay/stayed, toy/toying, try/trying, carry/carrying
If the base form ends in -ie, change the -ie to -y before -ing
die/dying, lie/lying, tie/tying
Variations of the final -s rule
Add -es
glass/glasses, buzz/buzzes, box/boxes, bush/bushes, switch/switches
Add -es
potato/potatoes, echo/echoes, hero/heroes
exceptions: studio/studios, piano/pianos, kangaroo/kangaroos, zoo/zoos
either: buffalo/buffalo(e)s, cargo/cargo(e)s, motto/motto(e)s,
Change -y to -i and add -es
baby/babies, spy/spies, poppy/poppies
Change the -f to -v and add -es
shelf/shelves, wolf/wolves, knife/knives, wife/wives
Nouns adopted from other languages
Plural ends in -es
analysis/analyses, basis/bases
Plural ends in -a
datum/data, curriculum/curricula
Plural ends in -a
criterion/criteria, phenomenon/phenomena
Plural ends in -ae
formula/formulae, antenna/antennae
Plural ends in -ices
appendix/appendices, index/indices
Plural ends in -i
focus/foci, stimulus/stimuli
Plural ends in -a
corpus/corpora, genus/genera
Plural ends in -eaux
bureau/bureaux, beau/beaux
Nouns that have only a plural form and so take a plural verb
Tools: glasses, scissors, binoculars, forceps, tongs, tweezers
Clothes: jeans, pants, pajamas, shorts, trousers
accommodations, amends, archives, arms (weapons), bowels, intestines
brains (intellect), clothes, communications, congratulations, contents
stairs, thanks, goods
people, police, cattle, people
bar someone from (doing) something - Jack has barred Jennifer from visiting his daughter.
bar someone from a place - The police barred Peter from the shopping mall.
benefit from (doing) something - Students benefit from listening to news reports on the radio.
derive something from something - He derived the meaning from the context of the sentence.
deter someone from (doing) something - Please deter your children from walking across busy avenues.
differ from something - Our cheese differs from our competitor's cheese because of its superior quality.
distinguish one thing from another thing - I'm afraid he can't distinguish a British accent from a Irish accent.
distract someone from something - Please distract Tim from the television.
exempt someone from (doing) something - The judge exempted the young man from doing extra community service.
expel someone from a place - The children were expelled form school for their bad behavior.
refrain from (doing) something - Nancy refrains from smoking at work.
resign from (doing) something - Jacques resigned from his position.
result from (doing) something - The unrest results from our politicians lack of seriousness about the situation.
stem from (doing) something - The poor results stem from his lack of experience.
suffer from (doing) something - He will suffer from studying too little
be for something / someone - I'm for Mayor Martini.
account for something - That accounts for his success.
allow for something - I think you need to allow for misunderstandings.
apologize for something / someone - Jackson apologized for his rude behavior.
blame someone for (doing) something - I blame Janet for the broken pottery.
care for (doing) something / someone - He doesn't care for playing golf.
charge someone for (doing) something - The accountant charged him $400 for his advice.
count for something - Your good marks count for 50% of your grade.
earmark something for a use - Congress earmarked $6 million for safety improvements.
pay for someone / something - Let me pay for Tom
be against something / someone - I am against the new regulation.
insure something against something - We insured our house against storm damage.
protest against (doing) something - The students are protesting against the invasion.
be about something - That book is about his experiences in Africa.
argue about (doing) something - The boys argued about which bus to take.
be concerned about (doing) something - I'm concerned about your grades.
be worried about (doing) something - She is worried about her exams.
boast about (doing) something - Thomas boasted about his golfing ability.
decide about (doing) something - Anna decided about her goals.
dream about (doing) something - Mark dreams about becoming a ballet dancer.
protest about (doing) something - The students protested about the invasion.
Check your knowledge of these verb + preposition combinations with these quizzes:
rabidly racily radiantly raggedly ragingly railingly rakishly ramblingly rambunctiously rancidly rancorously randily randomly rankly rantingly rapidly raptly rapturously rarely rashly raspily raspingly rationally rattlingly raucously raunchily ravenously ravishingly readily realisingly realistically realizingly really reasonably reasonlessly reassuredly reassuringly rebelliously rebukingly recalcitrantly recallingly receptively reciprocatively recklessly reclusively recollectively recordingly red red-facedly red-handedly reddeningly redundantly reelingly refinedly reflectively reflexively refreshedly refreshingly regally regardfully regardless regardlessly regretfully regularly reinforcingly rejectedly rejoicingly relatedly relaxedly relaxingly relentingly relentlessly relevantly reliably relievedly relievingly religiously relishingly reluctantly remarkably remedially rememberingly reminiscently remonstrantly remorsefully remorselessly remotely renewedly repeatedly repellently repentantly repetitiously repetitively reprehensively repressedly reprimandingly reproachfully reprovingly repulsedly repulsively resentfully reservedly resignedly resolutely resolvedly resonantly resoundingly respectably respectfully respectively resplendently responsibly responsively restfully restively restlessly restrainedly restrainingly restrictedly restrictively retaliatingly reticently retractively retributively retroactively retrospectively revealingly revengefully reverberantly reverently revoltingly revolutionarily rewardingly rhapsodically rhetorically rhythmically rhythmlessly ribaldly richly ridiculously right right-and-left righteously rightfully right-handedly rightside-up right-to-left rightward rightwardly rigidly rigorously ringingly riotously ripely risibly risquely ritualistically ritually robustly roguishly roisterously rollickingly rollingly romantically roomily rosily rottenly rotundly roughly roundly rousingly routinely rowdily royally rudely ruefully ruggedly rumblingly ruminatingly ruminatively rustily ruthlessly
sacramentally sacredly sacrificially sacrilegiously saddenedly sadistically sadly safely sagaciously sagely salaciously saltily salutatorily sanctimoniously sanely sanguinely sappily sarcastically sardonically sartorially sassily satedly satirically satisfactorily satisfiedly satisfyingly saturatedly saturninely saucily savagely savoringly savouringly savvily scandalously scantily scantly scarcely scaredly scarily scathingly scatteredly sceptically schemingly scholastically scientifically scintillatingly scoffingly scoldedly scoldingly scorchingly scornedly scornfully scowlingly scratchily scrumptiously scrupulously scurrilously seamlessly searchingly searingly secondarily secretively secretly sectionally securely sedately seditiously seductively sedulously seekingly seemingly seethingly selectively self-absorbedly self-approvingly self-assuredly self-centeredly self-centredly self-confidently self-consciously self-critically self-deprecatingly self-effacingly self-importantly self-indulgently self-interestedly self-mockingly self-pityingly self-possessedly self-righteously self-satisfiedly self-servingly self-sufficiently selfishly selflessly semantically semi-circularly semi-consciously sensationally senselessly sensibly sensitively sensually sensuously sententiously sentimentally separately sepulchrally sequentially serendipitously serenely seriously serpentinely serviceably servilely severely sexily shabbily shaggily shakenly shakily shakingly shallowly shamefacedly shamefully shamelessly shapelessly sharply shatteringly sheepishly shiftily shiftingly shimmeringly shinily shiningly shirkingly shiveringly shockedly shockingly short-sightedly short-temperedly shortly showily showingly shrewdly shrewishly shrilly shrinkingly shudderingly shyly sibilantly sickeningly sickly side-by-side side-to-side sidewardly sideways sighingly sightlessly significantly silently silkily sillily similarly simperingly simplistically simply simultaneously sincerely sinfully singingly single-handedly single-mindedly singlehandedly singlemindedly singularly sinisterly sinuously skeptically sketchily skillfully skimpily skittishly skyward slackly slanderously slavishly sleekly sleepily slenderly slickly slightingly slightly slimily slipperily slippingly slobberingly sloppily slothfully slovenly slower slowly sluggishly slurringly sluttishly slyly smarmily smartly smilingly smirkingly smokily smolderingly smoothly smotheredly smotheringly smugly smuttily snappily sneakily sneeringly snidely sniffily snippily snobbily snobbishly snootily snowily snuffingly snugly soaked soapily sobbingly soberly sobersidedly sociably soddenly softer softheartedly softly soggily solely solemnly solicitously solidly solitarily somberly somehow sometimes somewhat somnolently sonorously soon soothedly soothingly sophisticatedly soporifically soppily soppingly sordidly sorely sororially sorrowfully sottily soulfully soundlessly soundly sourly southeastwardly southward southwardly southwestwardly spaciously sparingly sparkily sparklingly sparsely spartanly spasmodically spastically spatially specially specifically speciously speculatively speechlessly speedily spellbindingly spicily spikily spinelessly spiritedly spiritlessly spiritually spitefully splendidly splenetically spoiledly spontaneously spookily sporadically sportively spotlessly spottily spritely sprucely spryly spunkily squarely squeakily squeamishly squelchily stably staidly stalely stalwartly stammeringly stand-offishly standoffishly starchily starkly startledly startlingly stately statuesquely staunchly steadfastly steadily steadyingly stealthily steamily steelily steeply sternly stickily stiffledly stiffly stifledly still stiltedly stimulatingly stingily stingingly stintingly stodgily stoically stolidly stonily stormily stoutly straight straight-facedly straightfacedly straightforwardly straightly strainedly strangely strangledly strategically strenuously stressedly stressfully strictly stridently strikingly stringently strongly structurally stubbornly studiously stuffily stumblingly stunnedly stunningly stupefiedly stupendously stupidly stupified stuporously sturdily stutteringly stylishly suavely subconsciously subduedly subjectively subliminally submissively subsequently subserviently substantially subtly subversively successfully successively succinctly succulently suddenly sufferingly sufficiently suffocatingly suggestingly suggestively suitably sulkily sullenly sultrily summarily sumptuously sunnily superbly superciliously superficially superfluously superiorily superstitiously supplely suppliantly supplicatingly supportedly supportively supposedly suppressedly surely surefootedly sure-footedly surlily surprisedly surprisingly surreally surrenderingly surreptitiously suspectingly suspensefully suspiciously susurringly sveltely swaggeringly sweatily sweepingly sweetly swiftly swinishly swishingly swollenly sycophantically symbolically symmetrically sympathetically systematically
tacitly taciturnly tactfully tactically tactilely tactlessly tactually talentedly talkatively tamely tangentially tantalisingly tantalizingly tardily tartly tastefully tastelessly tastily tauntingly tautly tawdrily tearfully tearily tearingly teasingly tediously tellingly temerariously temperamentally temperately tempestuously temporarily temptedly temptingly tenaciously tenderly tensely tentatively tenuously tepidly terribly terrifiedly terrifyingly territorially tersely testily testingly tetchily thankfully thanklessly theatrically then theoretically therapeutically thickheadedly thickly thinly thirstily thornily thoroughly thoughtfully thoughtlessly threatenedly threateningly thrice thriftily thrillingly throatily throbbingly thuggishly thumpingly thunderingly thunderously thusly thwartedly ticklishly tidily tighter tightly timidly timorously tinglingly tinklingly tippily tipsily tiredly tirelessly tiresomely tiringly to-and-fro together tolerably tolerantly tomboyishly tonelessly too toothily toothlessly topically tormentedly tormentingly tornly torpidly torridly torturously totally touchedly touchily touchingly toughly tousledly toweringly toxically traditionally tragically trailingly traitorously tranquilly transfixedly translucently transparently transportedly trappedly traumatically treacherously treasonably treasonously tremblingly tremendously tremulously trenchantly trepidly triangularly trickily trillingly trimly tritely triumphantly troubledly truculently truly trustingly trustworthily truthfully tumidly tumultuously tunefully tunelessly turbulently turgidly twangily twice twinklingly twistedly twitchily twitchingly two-handedly typically tyrannically
ultimately unabashedly unaccountably unaccustomedly unaffectedly unaggressively unambitiously unamiably unamicably unamusedly unannounced unapologetically unappetizingly unappreciatively unashamedly unassumingly unathletically unattractively unavoidably unawares unbearably unbecomingly unbelievingly unbelligerently unbendingly unbiasedly unblinkingly unblushingly uncannily uncaringly unceremoniously uncertainly unchangingly uncharacteristically uncharitably unchastely uncheerfully unchivalrously uncivilly unclearly uncleverly uncomfortably uncommunicatively uncompetitively uncomplainingly uncompliantly uncomplicatedly uncomprehendingly uncompromisingly unconcernedly unconditionally uncongenially unconsciously unconsolably uncontrollably unconvincedly unconvincingly uncooperatively uncoordinatedly uncordially uncourageously uncouthly uncritically unctuously unctuousnessly undauntedly undecidedly undecipherably undefeatedly undeniably underfoot underhandedly understandably understandingly understatedly undeservingly undignifiedly undistractedly undividedly undoubtedly undulatingly uneasily unemotionally unendingly unenlightenedly unenthusiastically unenviously unequally unequivocally unerringly unethically unevenly unexpectedly unfairly unfaithfully unfalteringly unfamiliarly unfashionably unfavorably unfavourably unfazedly unfearingly unfeelingly unfemininely unflappably unflickeringly unflinchingly unfocusedly unforgetfully unforgivingly unfortunately ungainly ungallantly ungenerously ungenially unglamourously ungraciously ungratefully ungrudgingly unguardedly unguiltily unhaltingly unhappily unharmoniously unhealthily unheedingly unhelpfully unheroically unhesitantly unhesitatingly unhurriedly uninformatively uniformly unimaginatively unimpeachably unimportantly unimposingly unimpressedly unimpressively unindulgently uninhibitedly uninquisitively uninspiredly unintelligently unintelligibly unintentionally uninterestedly uninterruptedly uninvitedly uninvitingly uniquely unitedly universally unkindly unknowingly unmelodiously unmercifully unmindfully unmotivatedly unmovingly unmusically unnaturally unnecessarily unnervedly unnervingly unnoticeably unobservantly unobservedly unobtrusively unofficially unorthodoxly unostentatiously unperturbedly unpleasantly unpoetically unprecedentedly unpredictably unpreparedly unpretentiously unproductively unprofessionally unproficiently unpropitiously unprotectedly unquestioningly unrealistically unreasonably unreceptively unrefinedly unregretfully unrelatedly unrelentingly unreluctantly unremorsefully unrepentantly unrequitedly unreservedly unresponsively unrestrainedly unrevealingly unrhythmically unromantically unruffledly unsatisfactorily unsatisfiedly unscrupulously unseasonably unseeingly unseen unselfconsciously unselfishly unsettledly unsettlingly unshakably unskillfully unsmilingly unsociably unsolicitously unsparingly unspeakingly unsteadily unstintingly unsubmissively unsubtly unsuccessfully unsurely unsurprisedly unsurprisingly unsuspectingly unswervingly unsymmetrically unsympathetically unsystematically unthinkingly unthreateningly untruly untrustingly untruthfully unusually unvirtuously unwantedly unwarily unwaveringly unwelcomingly unwillingly unwisely unwittingly unyieldingly up-and-down upbeat upliftingly upright uprightly uproariously upsetly upside-down upward upwardly urbanely urgently usefully uselessly usually utterly uxoriously
vacantly vacillatorily vacuously vaguely vaingloriously vainly valiantly validly valorously vapidly vastly vauntingly vehemently venally venerably veneratively vengefully venomously venturesomely veraciously verbally verbatim verbosely veritably vertically vexedly vibrantly vibratingly vicariously viciously victoriously vigilantly vigorously vilely villainously vindicatedly vindictively violently virginally virtuously virulently viscously visibly visually vituperatively vivaciously vividly vocally vociferously voicelessly volatilely voluminously voluntarily voluptuously voraciously voyeuristically vulgarly vulnerably vyingly
waggishly waifishly wakefully wanderingly wanly wantingly wantonly warily warmly warningly waspishly watchfully waveringly waywardly weakly wearily wearisomely weepily weightily weirdly welcomingly well-meaningly well-timedly westward westwardly wetly wheedlingly wheezingly whimperingly whimsically whinily whiningly whisperingly wholeheartedly wholly wickedly wide-eyedly widely wildly wilfully wilily willfully willingly wimpily wimpishly wincingly windedly winningly winsomely wintrily wisely wishfully wispily wistfully withdrawn witheringly witlessly wittily wittingly wobbily woefully wolfishly wonderfully wonderingly wondrously woodenly woozily wordily wordlessly workably worriedly worrisome worshipfully worshippingly worthily worthlessly woundedly wrathfully wrenchingly wretchedly wrinkledly wrongly wryly
yawningly yearningly yieldingly youthfully
zealously zestfully zestily
abandonedly abasedly abashedly abatedly abatingly abbreviatedly aberrantly abeyantly abhorrently abidingly abjectly ably abnormally abominably abortedly about abrasively abruptly absent-mindedly absently absentmindedly absolutely absorbantly absorbedly absorbingly abstainedly abstentiously abstinently abstractedly abstractly abstrusely absurdly abundantly abusedly abusively abysmally academically acapella acceptingly accessibly accidentally acclamatorily accommodatingly accomplishedly accordingly accurately accusatorily accusingly accustomably acerbically achingly acidly acknowledgingly acquiescently acquisitively acridly acrimoniously acrobatically actively actually acutely adamantly addictedly addictively additionally adeptly adequately adherently adhesively adjacently admirably admiringly admonishedly admonishingly adorably adoringly adroitly adulatingly adulterously advantageously adventurously adversarially adversely aesthetically affably affectedly affectingly affectionately affirmatively affirmingly affrontedly after afterwards again agape agedly agelessly aggravatedly aggravatingly aggressively aggrievedly aghastly agilely agitatedly agonisedly agonizedly agreeably agreeingly aimlessly airily alarmedly alarmingly alertly allegorically alliteratively alludingly alluringly allusively almost alone aloofly aloud already also alternatingly alternatively altruistically amateurishly amatively amazedly ambiguously ambitiously ambivalently amblingly ambrosially amenably amiably amicably amorally amorously amply amuck amusedly amusingly analytically anarchically anciently anew angelically angrily anguishedly angularly animalistically animatedly annoyedly annoyingly answeringly antagonistically anti-climatically anticipatingly anticipatorily anticlimactically antisocially anxiously anyway apart apathetically apodeictically apologetically appalledly apparently appealingly appeasedly appeasingly appositely appraisingly appreciatively apprehensibly apprehensively appropriately approvingly approximately aptly aquatically arbitrarily arcanely archly ardently arduously argumentatively aridly aristocratically arm-in-arm around arousedly arousingly arrantly arrogantly aromatically artfully articulately artistically artlessly ascendingly ascetically ashamedly aside asininely askance askew aspiringly assentingly assertively assessingly assiduously assimilatedly assimilatingly assumingly assuredly assuringly astonishedly astoundedly astringently astuciously astutely asunder asymmetrically athletically atrociously attemptingly attentively attractively atypically audaciously audibly augustly auspiciously austerely authoritatively autocratically automatically autonomously avariciously avidly away awedly awesomely awestruckly awfully awhile awkwardly axiomatically
back back-and-forth backhandedly back-to-back backward backwardly backwards bad-temperedly badly baffledly bafflingly balancedly balancingly baldly balefully balletically ballistically banally banefully banteringly barbarically barbarously barefacedly barefootedly barely basely bashfully basically bawdily beadily beamingly bearishly beatifically beauteously beautifully becalmingly beckoningly becomingly bedraggledly befittingly beforehand befuddledly begrudgingly beguilingly belatedly believably believingly bellicosely belligerently bemusedly beneficently beneficially benevolently benignantly benignly bent berserkly beseechingly besottedly bestially better bewilderedly bewilderingly bewitchingly biasedly bibulously biliously billowingly bird-like bitchily bitingly bitterly bittersweetly bizarrely blackly blamelessly blandly blankly blasphemously blatantly blazingly bleakly blearily blessedly blindly blissfully blithely blithesomely blockedly bloodily bloodthirstily blotchily bluffly bluishly bluntly blurrily blushingly blusteringly boastfully boastingly bodily boilingly boisterously boldly bolsteringly bombastically bookishly boomingly boorishly bootlessly boozily boredly boringly bossily botheredly bothersomely both-ways bouncily boundingly boundlessly bountifully bovinely bowingly boyishly bracingly braggingly brashly brassily brattily bravely brazenly breakingly breathily breathlessly breathtakingly breezily briefly bright-eyedly brightly brilliantly brimmingly briskly brittlely broadly broken-heartedly brokenly broodingly brotherly bruisedly brusquely brutally brutishly bubblingly bulkily bullheadedly bullyingly bumblingly buoyantly burdenedly burdensomely burningly busily businesslike
caddishly cagily cajolingly calculatingly callously callowly calmingly calmly calumniously candidly cannily cantankerously capably capriciously captiously captivatedly captivatingly carefully carelessly caressingly caringly carnally carnivorously casually casuistically catastrophically catatonically cat-like cattily caustically cautiously cavalierly ceaselessly celibately censoriously centrally ceremonially ceremoniously certainly chagrinedly challengingly chantingly chaotically characteristically charily charismatically charitably charmingly chastely chastenedly chattily chauvinistically cheekily cheerfully cheerily cheeringly cheerlessly cheesily cherishedly cherishingly cherubically chidingly childishly chillily chillingly chimingly chipperly chirpily chivalrously chokingly chronologically chubbily chunkily churlishly circuitously circularly circumspectly circumstantially civilly clairvoyantly clammily clandestinely clarifyingly clashingly classically classily classlessly clatteringly claustrophobically cleanly cleansingly clearer clearly cleverly climatically clingingly clinically clinkingly clockwise close-mindedly closely closer cloudily clubbily cluelessly clumsily coarsely coaxingly cockily cogently cognisantly cognizantly coherently coincidentally cold-bloodedly coldheartedly coldly collectedly collectively colorfully colorlessly colourfully colourlessly coltishly comatosely combatively comfortably comfortedly comfortingly comfortlessly comically commandingly commendatorily commodiously commonly communicatively compactly companionably comparatively comparingly compassionately compellingly compensatingly competently competitively complacently complainingly complaisantly complementarily completely complexly compliantly complicatedly complicitly complimentarily composedly comprehendingly comprehensibly compromisingly compulsively compulsorily concealingly concedingly conceitedly concentratedly concernedly concertedly conciliatorily concisely concludingly conclusively concupiscently concurrently concurringly condescendingly conditionally confidentially confidently confidingly confinedly confirmingly conflictedly confoundedly confusedly confusingly congenially congestedly congratulatorily congruently conjointly connately connivingly conscientiously consciously consecutively consensually consentedly consentingly consequently conservatively considerably considerately consideringly consistently consolingly conspicuously conspiratorially constantly constrictedly constrictingly constrictively constructively consumedly consumingly consummately contagiously contemplatively contemptibly contemptuously contentedly contentiously contently continently continually continuingly continuously contradictorily contrarily contrastingly contritely contrivedly controlledly contumaciously contumeliously conveniently conversationally conversely convincedly convincingly convivially convolutely convulsively coolingly coolly cooperatively coordinately copiously coquettishly cordially correctedly correctively correctly correspondingly cosily coughingly counter-clockwise counterproductively courageously courteously covertly covetously cowardly coyly cozily crabbily craftily crankily crassly cravenly crazily creakily creamily creatively credulously creepily crescendingly crestfallenly cringingly crisply critically croakily croakingly crookedly crossingly crossly crowdedly crudely cruelly crunchily crushedly crushingly crustily cryptically cultivatedly culturedly cumbersomely cunningly curiously curmudgeonly cursorily curtly curvedly customarily cutely cuttingly cynically
daffily daftly daintily damply dancingly dangerously dapperly daringly darkly dashingly dauntedly dauntingly dauntlessly dazedly dazzlingly deadpan deafeningly deafly dearly debasedly debonairly decadently deceitfully decently deceptively decidedly decisively decoratively decorously decreasingly dedicatedly deductively deeper deeply defamatorily defeatedly defectingly defencelessly defenselessly defensively deferentially defiantly definitely deflatedly deflectingly deformedly deftly dejectedly delectably deliberately delicately deliciously delightedly delightfully deliriously deludedly demandingly dementedly demonstrably demonstratively demurely densely denunciatorily denyingly dependably dependantly dependently deplorably depravedly deprecatingly deprecatively depreciatorily depressedly depressingly derangedly derisively derivatively derogatively descendingly descriptively deservingly desirously desolately despairingly desperately despisingly despondently despotically destructively desultorily detachedly determinedly detrimentally devastatedly devastatingly devilishly deviously devotedly devotionally devoutly dexterously diabolically diagonally dictatorily didactically differently difficultly diffidently dignifiedly diligently diminutively dim-wittedly dimly dimwittedly diplomatically directly direly dirtily disagreeably disagreeingly disappointedly disappointingly disapprovingly disarmingly disastrously disbelievingly discernibly discerningly discomfortingly discomposedly disconcertedly disconcertingly disconnectedly disconsolately discontentedly discordantly discouragingly discourteously discreetly discretely discretionally discriminatingly disdainfully disenchantedly disfavorably disgracefully disgruntledly disguisedly disgustedly disgustingly disharmoniously disheartenedly disheveledly dishonestly dishonorably disillusionedly disingenuously disinterestedly disjointedly dismally dismayedly dismayingly dismissively disobediently disobligingly disorganizedly disorientedly disparagingly dispassionately dispiritedly displeasedly disproportionally disproportionately disquietedly disquietingly disquietly disrespectfully disruptively dissatisfiedly dissentingly dissimilarly dissolutely dissonantly dissuasively distantly distastefully distemperately distinctively distinctly distinguishedly distractedly distractingly distraughtly distressedly distrustfully distrustingly disturbedly disturbingly ditzily divertedly divertingly dividedly divinely dizzily dizzyingly docilely dodgily doggedly dogmatically dolefully dolorously domestically dominantly domineeringly dotingly doubly doubtfully doubtingly doubtlessly doughtily dourly downcastly downheartedly downtroddenly downward downwardly draconially draftily drainedly dramatically drastically drawlingly dreadfully dreadingly dreamily dreamlessly drearily drenchedly drolly droopily drowsily drunkenly dry-eyedly dryly dubiously duely dulcetly dully dumbfoundedly dumbly duplicitously duskily dustily duteously dutifully dwindlingly dynamically
eagerly earnestly earsplittingly easily eastward eastwardly ebulliently eccentrically echoingly economically ecstatically edaciously edgily educationally eerily effectively effeminately effervescently effetely efficaciously efficiently effortfully effortlessly effusively egotistically elaborately elatedly elegantly eloquently elsewhere elusively emaciatedly embarrassedly embitteredly emotionally emotionlessly empathetically emphatically emptily empty-handedly enamouredly enchantedly enchantingly encompassingly encouragedly encouragingly endearingly endlessly energetically engagedly engagingly engrossedly enigmatically enjoyably enlightenedly enormously enquiringly enragedly enrapturedly ensuingly enterprisingly entertainedly entertainingly enthralledly enthrallingly enthusedly enthusiastically enticingly entirely entrancedly entrancingly entreatingly enviably enviously epigrammatically epithetically equally equivocally erectly erratically erroneously eruditely esoterically especially esuriently eternally ethereally euphemistically euphoniously euphorically evaluatingly evanescently evasively evenly eventually ever-so-slightly everywhere evidently evilly evocatively exactingly exactly exaggeratedly exaltedly exasperatedly exasperatingly excellently exceptionally excessively excitedly excitingly exclusively excruciatingly excusingly exemplarily exhalingly exhaustedly exhaustively exhilaratedly exhilaratingly exigently exorbitantly exotically expansively expatiatingly expectantly experiencedly experimentally expertly explanatively explicitly exploratorily explosively expressionlessly expressively expressly exquisitely extemporaneously extemporarily extensively extortionately extraordinarily extravagantly exuberantly exultantly exultingly
face-first facetiously facilely factually faintheartedly faintly fairly faithfully faithlessly fallaciously falsely falteringly familiarly famishedly famously fanatically fancifully fancily fantastically farcically fascinatedly fashionably faster fastidiously fatalistically fatally fatefully fattily fatuously favorably favourably fawningly fearfully fearlessly fearsomely featherly fecklessly feebly feelingly feet-first feignedly felicitously femininely ferally ferociously fervently fervidly festively fetchingly fetidly feudally feverishly ficklely fiendishly fiercely figuratively filially filthily finally finely finickily finickingly firmly first firstly fishily fitfully fittingly fixatedly fixedly flabbergastedly flagrantly flakily flamboyantly flamingly flashily flashingly flatly flatteredly flatteringly flauntingly flavoressly flavorfully flavourfully flavourlessly flawlessly fleetingly flexibly flickeringly flightily flimsily flippantly flirtatiously flirtingly florally floridly floutingly flouncily flounderingly flourishingly flowingly fluctuatingly fluently fluffily fluidly flummoxedly flushedly flusteredly flutteringly focusedly foggily followingly fondly foolishly foppishly forbiddingly forcedly forcefully forcibly forebearingly forebodingly foreignly foreknowingly foresakenly foreseeingly foresightedly forgetfully forgivingly forlornly formally formidably formlessly forth forthcomingly forthrightly fortuitously fortunately forward forward-and-back forwardly foully foxily fractionally fractiously fragilely fragrantly frailly frankly frantically fraternally fraudulently frazzledly freakishly freely freezingly frenetically frenziedly frequently freshly fretfully friendlily frighfully frightenedly frighteningly frightfully frigidly friskily frivolously frolicsomely frontally frostily frothily frowningly frozenly frugally fruitfully fruitlessly frustratedly frustrately fully fulsomely fumblingly functionally funereally funnily furiously furrily further furthermore furtively fussily futilely fuzzily
gaily gallantly gamely garbledly garishly garrulously gaspingly gaudily gawkishly geekily generally generously genially genteelly gently genuinely geographically germanely ghastly giddily gigantically gigglingly gingerly girlishly gladly glamorously glassily gleefully glibly glintingly glisteringly glitteringly gloatingly gloomily gloopily gloriously gloweringly glowingly glumly gluttonously goadingly good-humoredly good-humouredly good-naturedly goofily gorgeously gracefully gracelessly graciously gradually grammatically grandfatherly grandiloquently grandiosely grandly graphically gratefully gratifiedly gratifyingly gratingly gratuitously gravely greasily greatly greedily gregariously grimily grimly grindingly grinningly groaningly groggily gropingly grossly grotesquely grouchily growlingly grudgingly gruesomely gruffly grumblingly grumpily gruntingly guardedly guardingly guessingly guidingly guilefully guilelessly guiltily guiltlessly gullibly gurglingly gushingly gustily gutturally gymnastically habitually
hackingly haggardly hair-raisingly half-heartedly halfheartedly half-nakedly halfway haltingly hamfistedly handily hand-in-hand handsomely haphazardly haplessly happily harassingly hard harder hardly harmfully harmlessly harmonically harmoniously harriedly harshly hastily hatefully haughtily hauntedly hauntingly hawkishly hazily head-first headily headlong head-to-toe healthily heart-breakingly heartbrokenly heartenedly heartfeltly heartily heartlessly heartrenderingly heartrendingly heatedly heavenly heavily heavy-handedly heavy-heartedly hedonistically heedfully heedlessly heftily heinously hellishly helpfully helplessly heraldically heretically hermetically heroically hesitantly hesitatingly hiddenly hideously higher highly hilariously hintingly historically hissingly histrionically hoarsely hoggishly hollowly honestly honorably honoredly honouredly honourably hopefully hopelessly hopingly horizontally horribly horridly horrifically horrifiedly horrifyingly hospitably hostilely hotly however hubristically huffily hugely huggingly humanely humbly humiliatedly humorlessly humorously humourlessly hungrily huntedly hurriedly hurtfully hurtly hushedly huskily hyperactively hypnotically hypocritically hypothetically hysterically
all another any anybody anyone anything
each each other either everybody everyone everything
he her hers herself him himself his
many me mine more most much myself
neither no one nobody none nothing
one one another other others ours ourselves
several she some somebody someone something
that theirs them themselves these they this those
we what whatever which whichever who whoever whom whomever whose
abaft aboard about above according to across after against ahead of along with amid among apart from around as as far as as well as at
back of because of before behind below beneath beside between beyond but by
concerning contrary to
despite down during
except excepting
for from
in in addition to in back of in front of in place of in regard to in spite of in view of inside instead of into
of off on on account of on top of out out of outside over
rather than regarding round
through throughout till to together with toward towards
under underneath until unto up up to upon
versus via
with with regard to within without worth
abaft aboard about above according to across after against ahead of along with amid among apart from around as as far as as well as at
back of because of before behind below beneath beside between beyond but by
concerning contrary to
despite down during
except excepting
for from
in in addition to in back of in front of in place of in regard to in spite of in view of inside instead of into
of off on on account of on top of out out of outside over
rather than regarding round
through throughout till to together with toward towards
under underneath until unto up up to upon
versus via
W with with regard to within without worth
Part of Speech (one of the grammatical groups, such as noun, verb and adjective, into which words are divided depending on their use)