یکشنبه 27 بهمنماه سال 1387 23:24
it's a secret tell somebody a secret/let somebody in on a secret also reveal a secret formal keep a secret =not tell someone about something your secret is safe with me =I will not tell anyone about it big secret =an important secret, or something that is known by very few people little secret =a secret that is not...
یکشنبه 27 بهمنماه سال 1387 22:57
carousel a machine with wooden horses on it that turns around and around, which people can ride on for fun the moving belt that you collect your bags from at an airport
یکشنبه 27 بهمنماه سال 1387 18:21
outrider a guard or police officer who rides on a motorcycle or horse beside or in front of a vehicle in which an important person is travelling
not confident
شنبه 26 بهمنماه سال 1387 23:20
not confident about talking to people shy timid coy diffident bashful
شنبه 26 بهمنماه سال 1387 17:21
Teachers change the world one child at a time
شنبه 26 بهمنماه سال 1387 17:17
How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it
black ice
شنبه 26 بهمنماه سال 1387 16:32
black ice an area of ice that is very difficult to seeDriving conditions are dangerous, with black ice in many areas
cleft lip
جمعه 25 بهمنماه سال 1387 23:41
cleft lip A split in someone's upper lip, that they are born with
red hot
چهارشنبه 23 بهمنماه سال 1387 16:30
red hot used to describe an object or surface that is very hot white hot used to describe metal that is extremely hot
چهارشنبه 23 بهمنماه سال 1387 15:57
back/rear/front seat =the back or front seat in a car driver's seat passenger seat =the seat next to the driver's seat in a car window/aisle seat =a seat next to the window or aisle, for example on a plane empty/vacant seat front-row seat =in a theatre, sports ground etc good seat =one from which you can see well...
tide somebody over
چهارشنبه 23 بهمنماه سال 1387 15:13
tide somebody over (something) phrasal verb to help someone through a difficult period, especially by lending them money Could you lend me £10 to tide me over till next week
walk on eggs / eggshells
چهارشنبه 23 بهمنماه سال 1387 00:00
walk on eggs / eggshells If you are walking on eggs or eggshells you are being so careful not to offend someone or do anything wrong when my mother is staying at our house ,I feel like i'm walking on eggshells
Bite the Dust
سهشنبه 22 بهمنماه سال 1387 21:54
Bite the Dust went down in defeat, losing to a competitor Andy did exceptionally well in all of the track events, but he bit the dust in the high jump competition. Much to the disappointment of his fans, he went down in defeat, losing to a competitor from the visiting team
سهشنبه 22 بهمنماه سال 1387 15:48
to make someone feel frightened frighten • scare • terrify • give somebody a fright • alarm • startle • make somebody jump • give somebody the creeps • make your hair stand on end • send shivers down your spine • make your blood run cold
سهشنبه 22 بهمنماه سال 1387 15:34
be on a razor/razor's edge be on a razor/razor's edge British English to be in a difficult position where a mistake could be dangerous Politically we are on a razor edge
دوشنبه 21 بهمنماه سال 1387 16:15
squabble= to argue about something unimportant synonyms : fight, quarrel, have a row British English to argue about unimportant things : squabble, bicker, quibble to stop arguing : bury the hatchet, settle your differences, make your peace with somebody, make it up (used about friends or lovers )
دوشنبه 21 بهمنماه سال 1387 16:00
scandal = an event in which someone, especially someone important, behaves in a bad way that shocks people cause a scandal be involved in a scandal be (at) the centre of a scandal big/major scandal financial/political scandal corruption/sex/drugs etc scandal a scandal breaks = a scandal becomes known
دوشنبه 21 بهمنماه سال 1387 15:39
good-for-nothing a good-for-nothing person is lazy and useless :Example an idle good-for-nothing drunk
دوشنبه 21 بهمنماه سال 1387 15:31
things that people say, which may or may not be true rumour • speculation • gossip • scandal • reports • talk • hearsay • hear something on/through the grapevine • be rumoured/rumored to be what people say about something according to • rumour has it • they say/people say • apparently there is talk of • supposedl y
love ، kindness
یکشنبه 20 بهمنماه سال 1387 23:52
Spread love everywhere you go First of all in your own house Give love toyour children to your wife or husband to a next door neighbor Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier Be the living expression of God's kindness Kindness in your face kindness in your eyes kindness in your smile kindness in...
یکشنبه 20 بهمنماه سال 1387 18:13
bone-dry Having no trace of moisture Believe it or not, I hung out the washing only an hour ago and it is already bone-dry skin and bones a person who is unusually thin When I saw Pauline, I could hardly recognize her because she was just skin and bones . Cancer exacts a heavy toll, I reflected sadly . bone-idle...
Silent letters
یکشنبه 20 بهمنماه سال 1387 00:13
Silent letters Silent letters are letters that you can't hear when you say the wordbut that are there when you write the wordThere are no rules, you just have to learn them Silent N Silent D Silent G Silent U Autum n e d ge g nome g u est dam n he d ge g narl g u ess hym n We d nesday si g n g u itar colum n han d...
meal ticket
شنبه 19 بهمنماه سال 1387 23:03
meal ticket==luncheon,voucher A type of ticket which people are given by their employer and which they can use instead of money for buying meals in some restaurants
misty- eyed
شنبه 19 بهمنماه سال 1387 22:54
misty- eyed if your eyes are misty, they are full of tears, especially because you are remembering a time in the past
شنبه 19 بهمنماه سال 1387 18:41
go over someone's head :means کله کسی را خوردن I hope my lecture didn't go over the students' heads
someone who works hard
شنبه 19 بهمنماه سال 1387 17:06
someone who works hard hardworking • workaholic • industrious • dedicated • committed • studious • swot
Useful Shopping Phrases
شنبه 19 بهمنماه سال 1387 17:02
Useful Shopping Phrases Finding a Shop Opening Hours Questions Can you recommend a good toy/clothes shop? Is there a chemists/supermarket in the area? Where can I get toothpaste/pet food? Where's the nearest shopping centre? Answers/Comments There's a really good bookshop just around the corner. You can buy that here...
Up One's Sleeve
پنجشنبه 17 بهمنماه سال 1387 23:08
Up One's Sleeve All right, Sara. We know that you're planning something big for Jean's birthday. Mind telling us just what you have up your sleeve I wanted to make his birthday a very special event Jean has a sister living in France, and I sent her an airplane ticket so that she could be here for his birthday Boy!...
someone who likes something very much
پنجشنبه 17 بهمنماه سال 1387 19:45
someone who likes something very much fan • lover • enthusiast • freak • junkie/addict • devotee
پنجشنبه 17 بهمنماه سال 1387 19:43
junkie=junky someone who takes dangerous drugs and is dependent on them ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ a TV/sports etc junkie someone who likes something so much that they seem to dependent on it __ used humorously :Example a technology junkie