the piece of thread in a candle, that burns when you light it
2. a long piece of material in an oil lamp, that sucks up oil so that the lamp can burn
get on somebody's wick=== to annoy someone
processed food
processed food has substances added to it before it is sold, in order to preserve it, improve its colour etc
processed cheese/meat/fish etc
the abbreviation of
political action committee
Under federal law, most PACs may give a candidate as much as $, 000 an election
If a barber makes a mistake ,It's a new style
If a driver makes a mistake , It is an accident
If a doctor makes a mistake, It is an operation
If an engineer makes a mistake,It is a new venture
If parents make a mistake ,It is a new generation
If a politician makes a mistake ,It is a law
If a scientist makes a mistake , It is a new invention
If a tailor makes a mistake, It is a new fashion
If a teacher makes a mistake ,It is a new theory
If a student makes a mistake , It is a mistake
Teacher: why are you late
Webster: Because of the sign
Teacher :what sign
Webster :The one that says ," school ahead , go slow
mind/brain candy
something that is entertaining or pleasant to look at, but which you do not approve of because you think it is not serious
Most video games are just brain candy
be festooned with/in something
to cover something with flowers, long pieces of material etc, especially for decoration
drink something slowly, taking very small mouthfuls
She was sitting at the table sipping her coffee
Silent the Night is a protest against the daily violence that imprisons
our minds and bodies and the silence with which we so readily allow our fate to be determined
The song, too, is a reminder of
our common humanity and the hope that, together, our voices might be heard above the rockets, the gunshots and the screams. LET THE MUSIC BEGIN
a long face =an unhappy expression
pull/make a face (=change your expression to make people laugh or to show you are angry, disappointed etc)
a blank face =an expression that shows you do not know or recognize something
a face like thunder =a very angry expression
somebody's face lights up/brightens =they start to look happy
somebody's face falls =they start to look unhappy
somebody's face darkens =they start to look angry or threatening
see something in somebody's face
show in somebody's face
from something is written all over somebody's face =something is obvious someone's expression
you should have seen his/her face spoken =used to say that someone was very angry, surprised etc
the look/expression on somebody's face a smile/grin/frown etc on somebody's face
eagle eye
eagle eye used to say that someone is watching carefully or is likely to notice something
They carried on working, under the eagle eye of the owner
Come unstuck==fail
Drive the point home ==emphasize
Pick holes in == criticize
Pull a fast one==cheat
Put your heads together == discuss
Rant and rave==shout
Shot in the dark==guess
Stretch the truth==exaggerate
Tag along== follow
Take a dim view of == disapprove
walking stick= cane
a stick that is used to support someone, especially an old person, while they walk
cowl neck
the neck on a piece of clothing that falls in folds at the front
crew neck
a plain round neck on a sweater or shirt, or a sweater or shirt with this type of neck
polo neck
a shirt or sweater that has a high collar that folds down and fits closely around the neck = turtleneck American English
scoop neck
a round, quite low neck on a woman's
an opening for the neck in a piece of clothing, shaped like the letter V
an open-necked shirt is worn with the top button undone
too proud, and refusing to change or obey = stubborn