someone who is active and confident, and who enjoys spending time with other people
Her sister was always more of an extrovert
to look at someone in a way that shows you think they are sexually attractive - used in order to show disapproval
I didn't like the way he was ogling me
something that is latent is present but hidden, and may develop or become more noticeable in the future
The virus remains latent in the body for many years
lemon squeezer
a small kitchen tool that you use for getting the juice out of a lemon
shadow, shade
A shadow is a dark shape made by something that blocks the sun or a light
She saw his shadow on the wall.Shadow is an area of darkness made like this
The side of the valley was in shadow
Shade is a cool dark area where the sun does not reach, made by the shadow of something such as a tree or wall • Let's eat our lunch in the shade. • He sat under the shade of a tree
mercy killing=euthanasia
the deliberate killing of a person who is very ill and going to die, in order to stop them suffering
wearing good clothes and looking tidy
well-dressed • smart • neat • presentable • well-groomed • sharp • dapper• well turned out • snazzy
someone who is well-turned-out wears nice, good quality clothes
Our customers want to be served by people who are well-turned-out
cups, dishes, plates etc
a stack of dirty crockery
knives, forks, and spoons that you use for eating and serving food
crockery; = silverware AmE
if your mind boggles when you think of something, it is difficult for you to imagine or accept it
The sheer amount of data makes the mind boggle
lad= a boy or young man
the lads = a group of male friends that a man works with or spends his free time with