to hide money or something that you should not have
stash something in/under/behind etc something
a basket with a lid, which is used for carrying food or sending it to someone as a present
a picnic hamper
laundry basket
a large basket that you put dirty clothes in until they can be washed
the knives are out for somebody
used to say that people are being extremely unfriendly in criticizing someone
The knives are out for the vice president
to change something: alter, adapt, adjust, amend, modify, revise, vary
to change a system or organization: restructure, reorganize, reform
to change something completely: transform, revolutionize
to change facts or information, or change what someone has said: twist, distort, misrepresent
easily changed: flexible, adaptable
impossible to change: fixed, final, irrevocable
a poisonous/venomous snakes
snake charmer
someone who controls snakes by playing music to them, in order to entertain people
a liquid poison that some snakes, insects etc produce when they bite or sting you
grass sanke
a common snake that is not poisonous
snake in the grass
informal someone who cannot be trusted
annoyed or angry
if a river, road, train, or line snakes somewhere, it moves in long, twisting curves
shepherd somebody into/out/towards etc something
to lead or guide a group of people somewhere, making sure that they go where you want
them to go
A birthday party=a child's birthday party
goodbye party=farewell party
dinner party =luncheon= banquet
a social event when people are invited to someone's house for an evening meal
fancy dress party
A party where people wear clothes that make them look like some one or something else
garden party=lawn party
A formal party for a lot of people which is held in a large garden in the afternoon
house_ warming party
A party that you give to celebrate moving into a new house
keg party
In US a party in which people drink beer which is
poured from kegs rather than bottles or other containers
hen party
a party for women only, that happens just before one of them gets married
stag party =bachelor party
a party for men only, especially on the night before a man's wedding
tea party
a small party in the afternoon at which tea, cake etc is served
slumber party
a children's party when a group of children sleep at one child's house
drinks party = cocktail party
a party, usually in the early evening, at which alcoholic drinks are served and for which people usually dress formally
block party
a party held in the street for all the people living in the area
bridal party
the group of people who arrive at the church with the bride
office party
a party, especially one held before Christmas, in the office of a company, government department etc for the people who work there
tailgate party
a party before an American football game, where people eat and drink near their cars in the car park of the place where the game is played
theme party
a party where everyone has to dress in a particular way connected with a particular subject
party piece
a song, dance etc that you often perform to entertain people at parties
Purpose of LifPurpose of Life
Purpose of Life At times we wonder, what is a purpose of our lives? Why are we here? What should our life achieve? Why few people are referred as 'Great'? Who told them their purpose of Life
Then we try to search the purpose of our existence. And in some time, we give up. We tell ourselves, "I'm here just to Live
No human is ever born with an objective. One needs to define the purpose of his life. Working towards it brings immense satisfaction. When you define a purpose that shall benefits all around you, you'll find a meaning to your life, in your existence. The moment you start working towards that purpose, you are on way to 'Greatness
ادامه مطلب ...suffuse
if warmth, colour, liquid etc suffuses something or someone, it covers or spreads through them
The light of the setting sun suffused the clouds
be suffused with something if someone is suffused
with a feeling, they are full of that feeling
She was suffused with happiness
a small plastic or metal tube used for making hair curl roller =
Her hair was in curlers