Back up - to make a copy of computer information so you do not lose it.
Log off - to finish using a computer system
Boot up - to start a computer so it is ready to use.
Hack into - to get into someone else’s computer system without permission
Beat up - to hurt someone badly by hitting or kicking them again and again
Bump off - to kill someone
Inform on - to give information about someone who has done something wrong to a person in authority
Get away with - to succeed in not being criticized or punished for something wrong that you have done
Hold up - to steal money from a building, a person or a vehicle, by using violence or by threatening to use violence.
Break into - to get into a building or car by using force, usually to steal something
Let off - to not punish someone who has committed a crime or done something wrong, or to not punish severely
Cheer up - to start feeling happier
Wind up - to annoy someone
Snap out of - to force yourself to stop feeling sad or upset
Calm down - to stop feeling upset, angry or excited, or to make someone stop feeling this way
Tear apart - to make someone feel very unhappy
Whip up - to make food for a meal very quickly and easily
Pig out - to eat a lot of food
Pick at - to eat only a small amount of a meal because you are not hungry or because you are feeling ill
Knock back - to quickly drink a lot of alcohol
Eat up - to eat all of the food you have been given
Bolt down - to eat food very quickly
Get over - to feel better after having an illness
Come round - to become conscious again
Keep down - to be able to eat or drink something without vomiting
Pass away - to die
Look after - to take care of someone
Pick up - to get an infectious disease from someone or something
Fight off - to try hard to get rid of an illness
Dip into - to spend part of a supply of money that you have been keeping or saving
Cough up - to provide money for something, especially when you are not very willing to do this
Get by - to have just enough money to pay for the things that you need, but nothing more
Pay back - to give someone the money that you owe them
Tide over - to help someone, usually by giving them money for a period of time when they have no money
Splash out - to spend a lot of money on something, which is very pleasant but which you do not need
Take off - (aircraft) to move from the ground and begin to fly
Touch down - (aircraft) to land on the ground
Set off - to start a journey
Check in - to show your ticket at an airport so you can be told where you are sitting and so that your bags can be put on the aircraft
See off - to go to the place that someone is leaving from in order to say goodbye
Butt in - to rudely add a remark to someone else’s conversation
Reel off - to say a long list of things quickly and without stopping (S)
Blurt out - to say something suddenly and without thinking, especially because you are nervous or excited (S)
Shut up - to stop talking or to make someone else do this
Go on - to talk in a very annoying way about something for a long time
Clam up - to become quiet or refuse to talk about something, usually because you are shy or afraid