control, manage, run, be in charge
To control something means to have the power to make it work in the way that you want, usually without anyone else being able to stop you
he army controls the north of the country
With 75% of the shares, he effectively controls the company.
To manage something means to organize the way that it works, often with responsibility for other people's work
She manages a team of software developers.
David managed a small bookstore.
To run something such as a business means to organize it and take the important decisions about how it works, perhaps as the owner of the business
run my own cleaning business. Louise will be running the project.
To be in charge means to have responsibility for a situation or activity and decide what happens in it
When the Director is away, her deputy is in charge. He's in charge of marketing.
: control, check, inspect, examine, test, monitor
Do not use control to mean 'check' or 'test'. Use one of the following verbs
check or inspect means to look at something carefully to see if it is correct, safe, or legal
Your passports will be checked on arrival. Safety officers inspected the building.
examine means to look at something very carefully in order to find out more about it
Experts who examined the letter declared it a fake
test means to carry out an experiment or process in order to find out what qualities something has •
T hey test blood samples for drugs. • Every car is tested to ensure that it meets high safety standards.
monitor means to keep checking or testing something over a period of time to see if it changes •
Her heart rate is being monitored
This device monitors room temperature and humidity.