omeone's first name: first name, given name especially AmE, Christian namesomeone's family name: family name, last name, surname, maiden name (a woman's family name before she gets married)the name between your first and last name: middle name
all of the words of someone's name: full name
when someone writes their name: signature, autograph (of a famous person)
a name used instead of someone's real name: nickname a short name used by someone's friends or family
pen name/pseudonym a name used by a writer
stage name the name used by an actor
false name, alias a name used especially by a criminal
under an assumed name using a false name in order to hide your identity
the name of a thing: title the name of a book, film, picture etc
common name the name for a plant, animal, substance etc used by ordinary people
scientific name the name used by scientists
term a word or phrase used in technical contexts