The affixes listed below can be used
to give a word a negative or opposite meaning.
ahistorical amoral apolitical asexual asymmetrical atonal |
This is pronounced as /eI
anti- (to stop) |
anti- (opposing) |
anti- (not) |
anti-aircraft antibacterial antibiotic antibody antifreeze anti-tank anti-viral anti-wrinkle anti-terrorist |
anti-nuclear anti-racist anti-Semitism anti-apartheid anti-establishment anti-abortion anti-government anti-smoking
antimatter antisocial anticlimax anticlockwise
An anti-hero is a character (usually in books or films) who behaves in a way that you wouldn't expect of a hero.
Anti can also be used informally as an adjective:
· The locals are very anti when it comes to road building.
(They are opposed to road building.)
counter- (in response/against) |
counteract counter-attack counterbalance counter-claims counterculture counterinsurgency counterintelligence countermeasures counteroffensive |
counter-revolutionary counterterrorism counter-bid countercharges countermeasures counterproposal counter-argument counter-espionage |
de- (take away) |
debug decaffeinated decode decontaminate defrost dehumanise dehydrate demilitarise denationalise depersonalised depoliticise desensitise |
dis- (not) |
dis- (opposite) |
dis- (take away) |
disadvantage disagree disallow disapprove disbelief discomfort discontented dishonest disincentive disinclined dislike disobedient disorderly disorganised disproportionate disrespect dissatisfied |
disembark disinformation disappear dismount
disarm disconnect disinfect displace dispossessed
Discolour means to make or become a different, worse colour.
A disclaimer is a statement that says that you are not responsible for something.
ill- (bad) |
ill-advised ill-bred ill-conceived ill-fated ill-founded ill-health ill-judged ill-treated ill-used ill-defined |
ill-equipped ill-fitting ill-effects ill-mannered ill-prepared ill-will ill-informed ill-timed ill-suited |
il- (not) |
illegal illegible illegitimate illiberal illiterate illogical |
im- (not)
immature immobile immodest immoral immortal
impatient imperceptible imperfections impervious impersonal implausible impolite impossible impractical imprecise improbable imprudent impure impotent impartial |
This affix only appears before b, p and m.
im- (not)
inaccessible inadequate inappropriate inarticulate incompatible incompetent inconsiderate inconvenient incorrect indecent |
indiscreet inexcusable inexpensive informal inhumane inoffensive insane insecure insincere invalid |
Inflammable describes something that is flammable (easy to set fire to).
Infamous describes a person or thing that is famous for being bad.