Acrophobia means fear of heights
Aerophobia means fear of flying
Agoraphobia means fear of open spaces
Aichmophobia means fear of sharp pointed objects
Ailurophobia means fear of cats
Amaxophobia means fear of vehicles
Anthropophobia means fear of people
Aquaphobia means fear of water
Arachnephobia means fear of spiders
Astraphobia means fear of lightning
Batrachophobia means fear of frogs
Blennophobia means fear of Slime
Brontophobia means fear of thunder
Carcinophobia means fear of cancer
Claustrophobia means fear of closed spaces
Clinophobia means fear of going to bed
Cynophobia means fear of dogs
Dementophobia means fear of insanity
Dromophobia means fear of crossing streets
Emetophobia means fear of vomiting
Entomophobia means fear of insects
Genophobia means fear of sex
Gephyrophobia means fear of crossing bridges
Hematophobia means fear of blood
Herpetophobia means fear of reptiles
Homilophobia means fear of sermons
Linonophobia means fear of string
Monophobia means fear of being alone
Musophobia means fear of mice
Mysophobia means fear of dirt and germs
Nudophobia means fear of nudity
Numerophobia means fear of numbers
Nyctophobia means fear of darkness
Ochlophobia means fear of crowds
Ophidiophobia means fear of snakes
Ornithophobia means fear of birds
Phasmophobia means fear of ghosts
Phobophobia means fear of phobia
Pnigophobia means fear of choking
Pogonophobia means fear of beards
Pyrophobia means fear of fire
Siderodromophobia means fear of trains
Taphephobia means fear of being buried alive
Thanatophobia means fear of death
Trichophobia means fear of hair
Triskaidekaphobia means fear of the number 13
Trypanophobia means fear of injections
Xenophobia means fear of strangers
Zoophobia means fear of animals
سلام وبلاگت بسیارجالب ومفید بود شما هم به ما سربزنید اگر برایتان ممکن میباشد وبلاگهای من را در لینکستان خود قرار دهید تا زیر سایه شما نسیمی به ما بوزد و بازدیدکنندگان شما گوشه چشمی به وبلاگ ما داشته باشند پیروز باشید به امید روزی که وبلاگهای من باعث شادی و امید شما دوست عزیز شود=>
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