Definition: do something (for instance a study session) that lasts all night
We pulled an all-nighter to get ready for the exam.
The graduation party was an all-nighter.
All over something
Definition: very fond of something
He's all over the latest fashions.
Peter's all over antique furniture.
All right (!)
Definition: Yes, okay, fine
That's all right by me!
All right! I got an A+ on my term paper.
All shook up
Definition: extremely excited, worried, or disturbed about something
He's all shook up about his mother's illness.
Wow! I'm all shook up about Alice.
All that and then some
Definition: even more than what has been mentioned
He did all that and then some to get the new job.
Yes, that's right. All that and then some!
All the way (with go)
Definition: do something completely
He's going all the way for the scholarship.
We went all the way to California on our vacation.
Dash it all!
Definition: expression used when very upset
Dash it all! I didn't do very well.
Dash it all! She can't come this weekend.
For all I know
Definition: based on what I know (usually expressing displeasure)
For all I know, he'll come and win the prize.
They've decided to hire Jack for all I know.
Free for all
Definition: crazy, non-restricted activity (generally a fight)
It was a free for all! Everyone went crazy!
They stepped in to break up the free for all.
Have it all together
Definition: be very poised, successful
He has it all together. The house, the wife, the kids, the great job - everything!
I was very impressed with the candidate. She seemed to have it all together.
Hold all the aces
Definition: have all the advantages
Unfortunately, Tom holds all the aces right now. You'll have to do what he says.
I'm holding all the aces so I can do whatever I want.
Know all the angles
Definition: be very clever about something
Jack knows all the angles. Be careful!
The salesman knew all the angles, and by the end of our talk I had bought a new computer!
Not all there
Definition: not intelligent, not completely focused on an activity
I'm afraid Peter is not all there. He needs some help badly.
Unfortunately, I was not all there and lost the final match.
Of all the nerve!
Definition: expression of anger at someone's behavior
Of all the nerve! Did you see how that woman treated me?
Of all the nerve! She took me seat!
Once and for all
Definition: finally (usually putting an end to something)
I'm going to stop his behavior once and for all!
Let's get this over once and for all.
Pull out all the stops
Definition: make every possible effort to do something
He pulled out all the stops on the exam.
We're going to pull out all the stops on our presentation.
You can't win them all.
Definition: expression of acceptance after a loss or disappointment
Well, you can't win them all. Let's go home.
You did your best. You can't win them all