accede: stick to agreement exceed: surpass |
accept: receive except: exclude |
adapt: adjust |
adverse: opposed |
affect: change, influence |
all right: all right |
allude: refer to indirectly |
altar: place of worship |
appraise: value |
capital:seat of government; money |
complement:something that completes (noun); to complete (verb). |
continual: happens frequently in time: close succession |
emigration: moving from a country |
eminent: outstanding, revered |
everyday: The everyday (ordinary) routine of working |
farther: refers to actual distance |
imply: speaker implies (suggests) |
floe: large sheet of floating ice |
lay: to set down, to place or put an item down |
pray: to ask for by prayer or supplication |
principal: first in authority; main participant; amount of a debt less interest |
raise: to cause to lift or to lift something |
real: adjective (real sugar) |
set: to place something somewhere |
stationary: not moving: fixed |
suit: a set of clothes; legal action |
waiver: the giving up of a claim |
ensure: to make sure or certain; guarantee; to protect | insure: to take out or issue insurance; to pay or be paid money in the case of loss | assure: convince, make sure of something, to give confidence; to declare or promise confidently |
to: in the direction of; toward | too: in addition; as well, also | two: more than one; less than three |
their: belonging to; possessive of "they" | there: at, or in that place | they're: combination of "they are" |
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و دیدیمت